Friday, September 30, 2011

The Last Note From The Diary Of A Raped Girl

I am 19,
It has been 5 weeks 6 days,
The count of the days I was dying slowly. . . . .silently

Its the memory of the day I was marred,

The day they gave me this scar. . . . .

Carved out of my body were my skin, my tears, my soul, my life. . . . .

It was 16th of the fall

Half past nine

Routine study session's exhaustion walking home,

Returning from the day's evening

It was a cold night

Fogged streets,
Lamps with no street light

She started to listen to the sounds of that night, she started to feel the cold hands of the night holding her. . . . .she saw herself. . . . .

" 'hey mom, m off from Jen's place. . . . .reach home in 15. . . . .
Ya, okay. . . . .ya. . . . . yaaa mom!! i'll be careful! Bye now!'
God she can be soo protective sometimes!

Was 5 minutes after mom's call,

Uneasiness shook me,

Restlessness found fear

I knew I was being followed
Four of them, the eye swallowed

Shadows gaining in on me,

My feet found it hard to let me be,

I ran. . . . .

I ran for my life. . . . .



She started to behave numb as it began. . . . .

They pulled my hair,

Turned me,
Slapped me to the ground. . . . .

I was scared,

I was really scared. . . . . 

I needed to scream,

But I wouldn't,

I couldn't. . . . .

Lips began to bleed,

Tears desperate for help,
Wondering why me. . . . .
Of everyone. . . . .why me. . . . .

I was torn apart,

My clothes, my will, my heart, my faith. . . . .

And then she. . . . .

she let go. . . . .
No more could she see it,

Her will gave away. . . . .

I was raped

They took turns

I was spit

They left

 As she continued writing, her warm tears stained the diary. . . . .

My soul felt weak,
As the wind blew sorrows at me,
Dried my tears as the night crawled by. . . . .
As I slept there in those dark shadows of the trees. . . . .

Living has been since then, in silent denial,

Trying to embrace a weary soul,
But people, 'the clean souls,' look at me with regret,
Each sharing sympathy with words that pierce a hole. . . . . 

They said, "Time is a great healer,"

I've known,
Time wasn't a healer,
Time brought me pain,
Time brought me shame. . . . . 

Freeing myself at the end of a rope is far better,

Resting these tired eyes from an endless charade. . . . .

Give this flightless bird its clipped wings so it may fly away,

Just as the dark night delivers the day. . . . . 

I wont call it a suicide. . . . .

I want my grave to say,

'I was raped'

She closed her diary. . . . .
Put aside her ink. . . . .

There were tears as she helped herself for a final time, on to the stool. . . . .on to the rope. . . . .

She took a deep breath. . . . .

Her shadow on the wall suffered a sudden movement

She saw the stool fall slowly. . . . .

She saw her fading toes. . . . .

- Jeswyn m.

P.S. : The images shown are property of their rightful owners.


  1. So pathetic,,, and true feelings,,,,,

  2. Death is indeed an easy escape.

    Portraying the spirit and will to fight back, characterising the girl to be a survivor, a fighter, a winner is a positive expectation.
    No doubt, all who read this would want the girl to live, emerge a stronger being as an outcome.
    But is that the reality for majority in such a situation?

    This ink is not a motivational kind, that you would agree.

    What my pen aimed at writing or mirroring is the pain and the trauma, that the victim goes through; the pain that majority of those victims go through, eventually leading to a bitter, tragic end.
    The mental images that run through to the end, the elements of confusion, insult, self inflicted depression, all these are the realities of those victims.

    There is also this psychology of the human brain that determines the turn of events. The mind generates an unwanted sympathy that actually pushes the victim farther to the edge, forcing her to take impulsive decisions.

    Our minds do not willingly accept in the first take itself, the fact that 'she did face the society' nor do we consider the part that 'she was ready to live in the aftermath.'
    This was mentioned in the first few lines of the ink,

    "I am 19,
    It has been 5 weeks 6 days,
    The count of the days I was dying slowly. . . . .silently"

    Also if I had ended this at a positive note, no qualms about the part that the readers would have felt better; but given the subject, the pain and trauma would have subsided towards the end.

    I do not want that.
    I want them to experience agony of being in the dying victim's paradigm and for this, I had to provide an end that would walk the reader to misery.

    I may sound over reactive. . . . .or a negative whack job at times, but when I saw through the victim's eyes. . . . .i found the scene to be violently painful.

  3. 100% justice done.proud of you jes.

  4. Jeswin ,I lived through my trauma and many times could have and tried to succumb to the easy way out of my pain but found a better solution after living my lifetime of pain and remembering,I finally found it in my heart to forgive and that has made all the difference,now I am free

  5. @Deanna..........m really happy that you were strong.........i really happy that i have you here with me........

    i salute you and your morale for being able to live :)

    Be blessed :)

  6. Someone has to have a voice for the hurting Jeswin. Read my poems 'Taken' and A Moment in Time' then there's another one I don't remember the name of I wrote to him letting him know wherever he is in his walk in life that I forgave him.

  7. @Deanna. . . . .i surely will Dee

    it takes immense grace and strength to do what you have done.......
    n i am really glad you have them poured in your foundation :)

  8. Awesome.. I have no words for this, man. Too mind blowing.. Do read a fiction story that I wrote on the same topic-

    1. @abhilash.....
      thank-you for taking an interest in reading the note mate.....
      appreciate it....

      but I won't smile man....
      I took inspiration from the pain of any lady in such a situation.....
      a necessary step I had to take if I had to present the ink in such a manner....

      pains me every time I re read this....

  9. Replies
    1. hey sir.....thankyou for going through this.....

      i thought you never would...

      it took me 2 months to actually write this entire thing....

      it may not seem like it but it took a lot of background work.....

      thankyou for acknowledging me, sir ..
