Monday, July 4, 2011

Back To School

Welcome to your world,
The gates opened greeting me,
It said, ' Take an umbrella, u might need ,
Get ready for the pouring memories.....'

I walked in wearing nothing but pride on my sleeve,
Waiting to be seen,
By the best part of me,
Lost in this place full of memories.........

And all these memories start to burst inside me with life,
But i knew i had to hold it in,
Till the time was right.......

I wanna run through the halls of my highschool,
Gonna scream at the top of my voice,
I missed what it felt to be like,
One who used to run around here......

As i stepped into my classroom,
With disbelief,
Clouding over me,
It still had those same windows and doors,
And still the same view, that i used to see........

Turned back and saw my classroom board,
Saw a thought that i used to read,
Said, 'Honesty is best policy!',
And a smile rolled off my cheek.......

And all these feelings came rushing from the past,
But i knew i had to hold it until the last.......

I wanna run through the halls of my highschool,
Gonna scream at the top of my voice,
I just found out that i reached my real world,
Under the sun that always shined above...........

Stepped out of classroom,
Out into the aisle,
Stood there 4 a while,
Taking it all in,
Thinking 'bout ways i used to feel within.......

Heard a brief note of memories,
Playing to me,
Sounds of rhythmic shouts in the air accompany,
Saw myself playing under the sun wiping sweat with my hand,
In our courtyard of 4 angles and a bit of sand.........

And the screaming 'GIMME THE BALLS, MAN!!'  from the back,
But then i knew that, It was time to hit the rack.........

I wanna run through the halls of my highschool,
Gonna scream at the top of my voice,
I missed how i felt to run around,
With no concerns nor qualms or doubts.........

Worked up the stairs to the so-called 'art-room',
Where imaginations came alive,
Came on the paper my insane dirty stains,
N i thought i was plotting the pages with colours of life.......

Waiting in line to show ma'am my arty side,
Overheard some things or so my ears believed,
And i knew that it was something, that i had to leak.........

I wanna run through the halls of my highschool,
Gonna scream at the top of my voice,
I knew i lost the the shades to colour life,
In this black and white world, i had..........

Just waiting for my 10 year reunion,
Find all the faces from my past,
Laugh about the dumb fights n weird feelings i used to have,
Though i hope my best part is still hiding in my hat...........

I will run through the halls of my highschool,
I will scream at the top of my voice,
Just realized i lost the best days of my life,

Left with only memories to rise above........

- Jeswyn m.


  1. beautiful....
    it refreshes the memories of those golden days so vividly....!
    wish i had known u at that time too... :)

  2. well.......i didn't start writing then.......u wouldn't have found anything special :)

    glad things went the way they did :)

    thanks for the gesture :)
