Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Only So Much Do I Know

God inspired me to write this..........i do hope this is worth sharing....... :)

There is only so much a man can tell me of Your love,
One can ponder about the faith in the footsteps on the water,
There is only so much he can say of the breath that breeds life in the air,
About the beauty of the roses on your grave. . . . .

Live Life My Friend

This is a song for some special people in my life..............people who have parted ways with me..........but i know that they are going to be back.........back for the friendship i cherish with them..... :)


The congregations of apologies in my mind,
Rekindling memories of you,
Singing songs of gratitude,
Practicing their loving for you. . . . .

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Last Note From The Diary Of A Raped Girl

I am 19,
It has been 5 weeks 6 days,
The count of the days I was dying slowly. . . . .silently

Its the memory of the day I was marred,

The day they gave me this scar. . . . .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Morning Glory, I Love You

Morning glory, don't wither away,
In this deep dark woods, don't crawl your way,
Your tears pour the pain, downpours like the rain,
Night whispers tales of silence forevermore. . . . .

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Footprints In The Sand

3 days passed n I thought my whole world should've changed,

But it's still the same, back to my normal ways,

Cars running outside my head, people waking up to a busy day,

Waiting for the sunset to come, but I guess it wont be coming this way. . . . .

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hear The Saints

This is the scene we live in everyday, but yet find cumulative reasons and lies to live through it every single day. There are people who raise alarms now and then on issues about our twisted existence in this cruel world. And now, i guess it is time we Hear Those Saints.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Fountain Of Salvation

The fountain of love sprouting from forgiveness

From the moist eyes of the smothered Soul

Tears those bore witness to His son's blood

Tears that lie smouldering the broken pieces of a whole

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Memoirs Of A Race Car Driver

Genre: Action, Suspense, Drama

Ok before u proceed. . . . .this is a really long one. . . . .
Only start reading if u have good 10 minutes to spare. . . . .
Else please dont read it. . . . .will ruin the emotions if u rush through the lines :-)
Its a request,
read with the flow. . . . .

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Answer My Song

Waking up to despair,
Seeing lives get devoured unaware,
Seeming that faiths reign over each,
Life in peace is getting harder to reach!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blanket Of Lies

There is this pain raging in my eyes
Waking up to find me, lying in my tears from the lies,
Stabbed so deep inside,
Fathoms into the soul's bed. . . .

She cast over me a blanket of lies,
She took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start. . . .

Monday, July 18, 2011

At The Edge Of That Lake

We left our taxi waiting,
We passed the gates to a road,
Which led to the edge of a lake,
Trees by the side,
Some islands in the corner of the eye,
Unraked leaves fluttering by the aisle,
We stood at the edge for a while. . . . .

"Close ur eyes."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Am Abused

This is the pain of being abused........

'Aaah. . . . . .!! STOP IT!!' she screams trying to save her daughter from his foot.

'Please stop hurting us. . . . .!!'

Give her back!!
Stop hurting her!! Leave her alone!!'

'Tell me where is the damned money woman!!! Or this b**** is going to have it!!'

Please let her go!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

To My Teachers. With Love

Teacher, no more am i in your class but i'll always be your student :)
These few verses are for you.......

The Last Leaf

An ink which resembles man's hope

Monsoon is over,
Fall is almost near,
I lay here wrapped in my blanket cover,
Waiting 4 the heartbeats to fade. . . . .

I see a tree by my window pane,
Almost ready to wake to the autumn call,

Leaves on it hustle,
As I see them cease to the wind.......

This Love

Its a poem with my heart n soul. . . . .Please read it slowly. . . . .


It was raining. . . . .

She was by the window. . . . .
Resting her face on the breeze blowing by. . . . .

The wind carried with her across the hall,
The smell of new-born mud and her sweet fragrance. . . . .

I picked up my weak knees,
Worked my way through the furniture,
Walked up to her slowly. . . . .

Monday, July 4, 2011

Back To School

Welcome to your world,
The gates opened greeting me,
It said, ' Take an umbrella, u might need ,
Get ready for the pouring memories.....'

I walked in wearing nothing but pride on my sleeve,
Waiting to be seen,
By the best part of me,
Lost in this place full of memories.........

The Flightless Bird

A small inspirational write. . . . . :)


I was a small, flightless bird,
Diving too deep, far 2 learn,
2 share the wind's, fiery hands,
Those wich wil hold, as I fall!!

Faith told me, 'quick, grab my hand',

Tell Me Why

Narration of a 9 year old wounded (physically, mentally n emotionally) lad, an orphan living under fear’s minions (hate, lies, pain, much more pain. . . . .)
Hahahaha. . . . .
Hey mom over here!!
Throw me the ball!!
DAD!! not fair. . . . .dont steal the ball from me! Thats cheating!!
Hehehe. . . . .
Hey Maa. . . . .Dad can I say something?